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Matthew J.


Color Expert  -  Analyst  -  Cartoonist  

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The Digital Printing World and Me

All Things Ripped - 

The world of front

end digital controllers

Many times when I am dealing with the Digital Printing World, I find it is sometimes easier to put my observations down in easy to follow "Help Papers". Please feel free to take a look at the following.

                           By day, Matthew Watkins is a Color Analyst in the Digital Printing World and at night or on the weekends                               you can find him behind his drawing table or behind one of several types of cameras and then possibly                     in front of his computer either editing files or video and maybe even a photo or two.
                                He holds several industry certificates including but not limited to, Idealliance G7 Expert, EFI Fiery                                              Expert, Adobe certifications, some Microsoft certifications and other things that say he might actually know something about something.
                           For the most part he is a self proclaimed color nerd/geek and loves nothing more than to learn all he can about the wonderful fun filled universe that is all things color.
                     He is also a certified trainer and enjoys giving as much of his knowledge away as others will let him. “Sharing is the best part of knowing something.”
He has worked in the photography world since his early days in Junior High and then jumped into video while he was serving in the U.S. Navy. He contends that video is more to his liking but both do have value! Then there is the comic strip...but that’s another story in and of itself.
He is married to the best wife in the whole wide world and has four of the best kids you could come across. He resides in the state of confusion and Illinois, which some might say are one in the same. On a hot summer day you might find him lounging in the back yard pool or in front of the TV if the Cubs are playing. If, of course, he has the day off!

Should you like to reach him, he can be found at his Linkedin page: or at


All Things Color -

From Design to Print

and then some

What is Color?

Color Management

Part 1

Color Printing - 

When Colors Don't


Where's the


When Acrobat

Takes Over

the World

When White

Paper isn't White

Virtual Vido Rock Star copy.png

Virtual Video

Rock Star

Carpe's Journey

The Quest for the Meaning of Color

Simple yet very

helpful test pages


Following High School, I proudly served in the U.S. Navy for 6 years. Enjoying many over seas areas including Greece, Rota Spain and other European destinations. I was Honorably discharged as a 2nd Class Petty Officer with a rating of ET2.

Early in Junior High I jumped into the camera club. I was hooked. While Photography is a hobby, video is one of my passions. I am finding the new world to once again bring new challenges and continue to perfect the art of Virtual Video Meetings. 

                   I am NOT an artist, however, I am                       a cartoonist. Quite different,                              really. Artists can create awe                             inspiring works of art and that I                        cannot do. But, I can tell a story                      and I can do that from within a                       comic strip. While serving in the U.S. Navy I created Chester P. Omally, the comic strip. Chester sat in the back ground for almost 30 years when I felt the urge to bring him back to the front lines and we, he and I, continue moving forward today. His daily comic strip can be found at


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